주목 제품

주목 제품

Valves for material containers

Valves for material containers

Valves for material containers

Valves for ALD processes

Valves for ALD processes

Valves for ALD processes

Various safety products

Various safety products

Various safety products

APC butterfly valves

APC butterfly valves

APC butterfly valves

Block valves for vacuum exhaust lines

Block valves for vacuum exhaust lines

Block valves for vacuum exhaust lines

Valves with vacuum heaters

Valves with vacuum heaters

Valves with vacuum heaters 

Fluorine resin diaphragm valves for use up to 200°C

Fluorine resin diaphragm valves for use up to 200°C

Fluorine resin diaphragm valves supporting fluid temperatures of 200°C

PFA tube fusion welding fittings/fusion welding machines

PFA tube fusion welding fittings/fusion welding machines

PFA tube fusion welding fittings/fusion welding machines



Double ferrule fittings responding to customer needs

뱅크 넘버

Dual center rings

Dual center rings

Innovative center rings which keep O-rings away from the causes of thermal hardening and corrosion.

L-type vacuum bellows heated valves

L-type vacuum bellows heated valves

Interior/exterior heaters achieve uniform heating. For cold spot support

LOTO valves

LOTO valves

Effective for safety measures. Manual valves with LOTO mechanism

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